posted 20 June, 2018

Falls and Syncope

It is recognised that falls in older people are often multifactorial including both physical and psychological factors and may require assessment of patients’ cognition, continence or social circumstances.

Patients are seen by or discussed with a Consultant. A full history and examination is performed. Day Hospital nurses performs a holistic social and nursing needs assessment. Physiotherapy evaluation includes functional assessment and identification of treatable gait, posture and balance disorders. Many patients are also seen by a podiatrist to identify foot disorders.

The majority of activity occurs in the newly refurbished Day Hospital at Buccleuch Lodge which has ample space for falls evaluation including a gymnasium equipped to provide tailored exercise programmes as individual needs require.

The department has a tilt table session to aid diagnosis of syncope (fainting) and access to the full range of UHSM cardiology, radiology, neurology and laboratory investigations. A key component of falls assessment is identifying patients with, or at risk of, osteoporosis. All patients are evaluated in this manner. Where appropriate, patients are referred for bone densitometry (DEXA) scanning.

Community Falls Service (T2 Falls)

This service offers a specialist Therapy, Podiatry and Medicines Management led service run clinic and Home based (Domiciliary) Falls service based from Tier 2 Admin at Withington Community Hospital. It has strong links and liaises with the Day Hospital based Falls Service.

People should be referred to whichever Falls Service best suits their needs, not both at the same time; either the Community or the Day Hospital Falls and Syncope service.

Patients referred to the incorrect falls services will be triaged to the most appropriate service at receipt of referral by either of the services.


For further information please contact the Day Hospital.
Phone: 0161 217 4251
Fax: 0161 217 4252