posted 14 May, 2018


Areas within the service

  • Computerised tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MR)
  • Angiography and interventional procedures
  • Inpatient x-ray and fluoroscopy
  • Bone mineral densitometry
  • Plain Film Imaging
  • Ultrasound

Waiting times for outpatient examinations

  • For all cancer referrals, there is a maximum two week wait, for all areas, from the date of referral.
  • For all routine and urgent referrals, for all areas, there is a maximum six week wait depending on the clinical information.

Referral Information

The department accepts referrals from staff within other departments in the Trust and from GPs.

Each referral is vetted by the radiology department before the examination or procedure is booked. This is to avoid unnecessary irradiation to the patient but also to ensure the most appropriate examination or procedure is performed.

Relatives and Escorts

The number of people allowed to remain with a patient during an examination varies dependent on the area and the type of examination being undertaken (see individual modality pages for more information). The needs of the patient will be considered and access will be at the discretion of the radiographer performing the examination.

Any Tests/ Preparations Needed

Test/ preparations vary depending on the examination or procedure taking place. Please refer to the individual modality pages for more detailed information about was preparation is required for each individual scan.

Checking for pregnancy

It is a legal requirement that for certain examinations which may involve irradiating the lower thorax and abdominal area in patients who have commenced menstruating (generally accepted as between 12-55 yrs), the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP) needs to be ascertained prior to carrying out the examination. The date given needs to be within the 10/28 rule depending on the examination being undertaken i.e. the patient must confirm that they have had at least 10 days since the onset of their last menstruation.


Ground Floor, Purple Zone, Manchester Royal Infirmary

Opening Hours

Core hours 9am – 5pm Mon – Fri with 24 hour urgency cover

Contact Details

Reception 0161 276 8596 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm)

Please refer to the individual modality pages for details of out of hours cover and contact information.

Manchester Royal Infirmary
Oxford Road
M13 9WL

Additional Information

Infection Control

The department adheres to the Trust’s infection control standards and balances these along with their own radiation protection rules. Please ensure that radiology staff members are made fully aware of a patient’s infection control status prior to them attending the department.


Photography of images from screens in the examination rooms is not allowed. As with patient notes, should anyone wish to obtain a copy of any images then this should be formally requested via the Trust’s legal department.


It is recommended that patients leave any valuables or jewellery at home or on the ward as they may need to be removed for the examination.